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BibleTime is a powerful cross platform Bible study tool.


BibleTime is a completely free Bible study program, built for Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. BibleTime contains over 200 free Bible texts, commentaries, dictionaries and books, provided by the Crosswire Bible Society via the SWORD programming library. BibleTime is written in C++ and uses the Qt GUI toolkit.


BibleTime Program Downloads

Source code & binaries for Windows and Mac OS X are available on the release page at github.

The major linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo and OpenSuSE as well as FreeBSD have BibleTime packages available in their package manager.

Bible Text Downloads

After installation, BibleTime's bookshelf is empty. Downloading and installing works is just a matter of a few clicks: open the Bookshelf Manager from the Settings menu, click the green refresh button to refresh the default remote source (the CrossWire main repository), select the works to install and click the Install button and confirm.


Did you know? You can help translating BibleTime to your language at Transifex.


BibleTime 3.1.0 released

The BibleTime Team is pleased to announce the release of BibleTime 3.1.0, marking the first stable version in the 3.1 series. This update introduces support for the Qt6 toolkit, ensuring better compatibility with modern systems.

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BibleTime 3.0.3 released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 3.0.3 which is the third bugfix release in the stable 3.0 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 3.0.2 released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 3.0.2 which is the second bugfix release in the stable 3.0 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 3.0.1 released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 3.0.1 which is the first bugfix release in the stable 3.0 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 3.0 released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 3.0, which is the first full release in the stable 3.0 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 3.0 RC 1 released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 3.0 RC 1, which is the first release candidate in the stable 3.0 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 3.0 beta 2 released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 3.0 beta 2, which is the second beta release in the stable 3.0 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 3.0 beta 1 released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 3.0 beta 1, which is the first beta release in the stable 3.0 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime not working on Ubuntu 18.10 and others.

BibleTime 2.11.1 is not compatible with Qt 5.11. This combination was released with Ubuntu 18.10. The problem was fixed in BibleTime 2.11.2. It is possible to install BibleTime 2.11.2 as a flatpak.

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BibleTime 2.11.2 Released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.11.2 which is the second bugfix release in the stable 2.11 series of BibleTime.

All users of BibleTime are encouraged to upgrade, especially users still using BibleTime version 2.10 or earlier.

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BibleTime 2.11.1 Released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.11.1 which is the first bugfix release in the stable 2.11 series of BibleTime.

All users of BibleTime are encouraged to upgrade, especially users still using BibleTime version 2.10 or earlier.

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BibleTime 2.11.0 Released

Thanks to the great mercy of our Savior and Lord, king Jesus Christ, the BibleTime team is yet again pleased to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.11.0, which is the first full release in the the stable 2.11 series of BibleTime.

All users of BibleTime are encouraged to upgrade, including users of the BibleTime version 2.10 series.

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BibleTime 2.11 RC 2 Released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.11 RC 2, which is the second release candidate in the stable 2.11 series of BibleTime, with a number of bugs fixed since RC 1.

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BibleTime 2.11 RC 1 Released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.11 RC 1, which is the first release candidate in the stable 2.11 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 2.11 Beta 1 Released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.11 beta 1, which is the first (and only) beta release in the stable 2.11 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime Mobile 1.0 for Android Released

An alternative frontend for BibleTime has been created especially for mobile devices. The first release is now available for Android phones and tablets. More details and pictures of it are available at the Google Play Store.

BibleTime 2.10.1 Released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.10.1 which is the first bugfix release in the stable 2.10 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 2.10.0 Released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.10.0, which is the first release in the stable 2.10 series of BibleTime.

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BibleTime 2.10 RC 1 Released

The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.10 RC 1, which is the first (and only) release candidate in the 2.10 series of BibleTime.

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Where can I write down my personal notes?
You have to install the module "Personal", which is available as a commentary on Crosswire. Please refer to BibleTime's handbook for more information about the personal commentary.
Why is one of the two testaments of a Bible module empty?
Some modules only contain the text of the old or new testament.
Is BibleTime available in my native language?
BibleTime is available in several languages. If a translation in your language is not available, you can help translate it at Transifex.


If you have any questions or want to report software problems, please use our issue tracker.


BibleTime is completely free (Free Software and Open Source). It's released under the GPL version 2 license. Basically it means that you can download and use it freely. If you want to redistribute it you have to make sure that the receivers get the source code, too.